Krankbal (working title)

Category : vplusplus

The image above is concept art for what a new version of Fnakbal could potentially look like. For now, I’ve rewritten the foundations of the game to better support traditional control schemes and more levels and customisations, and it’s now running on a Nintendo Switch. It still uses the original art, because we’re still exploring the direction we want to take with the visual style. We’re also experimenting with different control schemes, and even with a 3D perspective and gameplay, to see if that could make the game more interesting. Because while the game is fun to play on AirConsole due to the unique controls (i.e. your phone), it feels a little bland when played with a full controller.

About Vincent Booman

Hi, my name is Vincent Booman. For me, development is not about a specific language or software, it's about what kind of impact they enable.

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